Thoughtfully Curated Since 2009


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  • Turntable Set of 4 by Tim Armstrong-Signed & Numbered-Poster Child Prints
  • Found Collection
  • A curated selection of authentic vintage art and objects.


  • Abstract 37 by Found Art-Found Art-Poster Child Prints
  • PCP presents...The NEIGHBORHOOD LOCALS series

    June 05, 2012 1 min read

    As Poster Child Prints grows so does our family of artists and we love big families...

    The best part is that the studio has become a hub for young local artists and we've become so inspired by them that we've decided to create a series of exclusive prints releases called The NEIGHBORHOOD LOCALS.

    The NEIGHBORHOOD LOCALS will highlight artists that are creating amazing work outside of the main stream art world. By day they're anyone from fashion designers, writers, musicians to the guy who works at the local coffee shop. By night they're artists that blow us away. Some will be local from our neighborhood and some will be locals from your neighborhoods.

    We're excited to be introducing you all to some great new artists in the coming months...