Thoughtfully Curated Since 2009


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  • Edith Adi Argentinian & Aboles Embalados. by Found Art-Found Art-Poster Child Prints
  • Neighborhood Locals: NTSG

    October 15, 2012 1 min read

    When Neighborhood Locals series idea was getting thrown around the office our intention was to create a platform on our site where we would highlight young up and coming artists. Artists that you might have heard of as well as wanting to  showcase the talent of  all creative people around us. No matter if they've never  been part of a show, wheat-pasted up on walls or have some blog that everyone swears by. They are just creative and we like them. Artists just like NTSG.

    We're pretty sure PCP fans, you all might be hearing about this duo for the first time right now.These two talented ladies don't have a  site, no instagram, although maybe by the time you all read this they'll have an instagram set up. Maybe.

    They're just two friends who love fonts,and text driven art. One day we  just happen to catch them arting. We knew they would be perfect for Neighborhood Local series.We've been working on a couple of ideas with them and can't wait to see what all you PCP fans think these newcomers.

    Release coming soon!

    NTSG aka Never Trust Silent Girls

    [caption id="attachment_4883" align="alignnone" width="425" caption="NTSG getting into it with some fonts "][/caption]


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