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  • Edith Adi Argentinian & Aboles Embalados. by Found Art-Found Art-Poster Child Prints
  • Artist Tattoos

    September 19, 2012 1 min read

    We're fans of tattoos over here at PCP. Some of the best tattoos we've seen have been inspired by artists. Artist from across the board. The old,the new, the classic, the current. It got us thinking if any our PCP artists have inspired great tattoos. Turns out the have, many many tattoos. Here's a few.


    [caption id="attachment_6035" align="alignnone" width="425" caption="Neck Face "][/caption]

    [caption id="attachment_6032" align="alignnone" width="425" caption="Curtis Kulig "Love Me""][/caption]

    [caption id="attachment_6040" align="alignnone" width="425" caption="Shepard Fairey "][/caption]

    [caption id="attachment_6036" align="alignnone" width="352" caption="Deedee Cheriel"][/caption]


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