Thoughtfully Curated Since 2009


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  • Edith Adi Argentinian & Aboles Embalados. by Found Art-Found Art-Poster Child Prints
  • PCP fans, DABS MYLA...are you ready?

    August 04, 2012 1 min read

    If you guys are as big of fans of Dabs Myla as we are then you're going to be super excited about our upcoming release with the duo. Working together we created a limited edition, hand pulled,screen print of one of their iconic characters.

    Dabs Myla have been busy with their past show at Known Gallery, upcoming show at ThinkSpace and in the middle of it all, releasing an amazing print with us. We promise you D&M fans, getting this print is truly getting a piece of Dabs Myla at their finest.

    More details on the way.

    Here's a quick pic of one of our favorite Dabs Myla mural.

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