• Jack Greer, the one to know about

    June 29, 2012 2 min read

    If you've been following us on Facebook then you've seen our recent posts on PCP newcomer Jack Greer and while he might be a newcomer for our artist roster, Jack's been on the scene since 15 years old.

    We thought you guys might be interested in knowing why we believe in this up and comer and with so many new artists emerging how does one decide which artist will matter to them? Which artist will matter at all?  At the end of the day it's simple, go with what you like. We like Jack Greer, and we're not alone.

    He shows at New York's Still House, which is currently the home to over a dozen new and exciting emerging young artists. Greer has been working one his own clothing collection with Opening Ceremony, and special collaborations with Nike . He'll be debuting his new line with Marc Jacobs next season and while preparing for his solo show with The Still House this summer. Oh and did we mention that he's only 24?

    Jack is a different bread of young…his facebook and twitter don't rule his day. He's busy creating and with every collaboration there’s a sense of newness. Even with his art he's always playing with different mediums and concepts. From installations, painting, photography, typography, and patchwork, he's that fearless explorer that you hope to find in young, ambitious contemporary artists.

    When we got together with Jack to figure out what artwork would work, we immediately took to his typography driven pieces. His sayings are clever, sweet and a little sad. The perfect mixture for Poster Child Prints. Jack Greer will be the first of many new artists that we hope to introduce our fans too.