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  • TIM BISKUP solo show at THIS! Thursday, Oct. 14, 2011

    October 07, 2011 2 min read

    THIS los angeles is proud to present:

    TIM BISKUP : Former State
    New Paintings & Sculptures...

    October 14th - November 4th, 2011.
    Opening Reception: October 14th, 7-10pm

    After party at The Little Cave - DJs and Drink Specials. DJs include: Tim Biskup, MFG, Paul Tao & ERIC WAREHEIM!


    Tim Biskup's new collection of paintings looks strangely familiar. Maybe it's the unavoidable Biskup-ness of his color palate or the uncomfortable, slightly "off" expressions of his characters. Whatever it is, it is intentional. This exhibition was carefully planned out from the very beginning of it's conception. Something that skews dramatically from Biskup's improvisational past. It's not like he hasn't put a lot of thought into his shows (His last NYC show was accompanied by a 60 page book of text.). The difference here is the level of focus. The show is almost entirely made up of large scale paintings in the artist's polygonal style. To add another layer of unity, the subjects are a series of small mask-like heads. These are not the carefully produced characters that make up his vast array of vinyl figures, but small, roughy hewn, crudely painted things that the artist sculpted himself. The twist comes from the expert craft and expansive scale of the paintings. To see those spontaneous lumps turned into carefully composed geometric images with months of meticulous paint application going into their creation is quite surreal. The original sculptures will be displayed (and sold) along with the paintings. Thus the title of the show. But the title also refers to the growth that Tim Biskup has gone through over the last 10 years. Both in his work and in his life. It seemed at one point that we would never see characters popping up in his work again, but now he's gone back to his roots to re-examine and re-invent his past. What he's come up with is a refined, elegant and mature version of his former state.