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    May 26, 2011 2 min read

    June 11th - July 9th, 2011

    Opening Reception: Saturday, June 11th, 2011 / 8-11PM
    Valet Parking Provided

    Subliminal Projects Gallery is pleased to present SponsorshipREDUX, an exhibition about the art of sponsorship with artist Ryan McGinness, on view June 11- July 9, 2011. A reception will be held Saturday, June 11, from 8 -11 p.m.

    The SponsorshipREDUX project is a (re)presentation of the 2003 Sponsorship project. In 2003, Ryan McGinness produced an exhibition at BLK/MRKT Gallery in Los Angeles that consisted of nothing more than corporate sponsors' logos sized on the gallery walls according to their level of sponsorship for the exhibition. McGinness explains, "My hope was that a content-deprived exhibition comprised of only sponsorship logos would create enough pause for us to consider both the fine art of corporate sponsorship and the corporate sponsorship of fine art."

    Eight years later, Subliminal Projects Gallery is hosting the SponsorshipREDUX. The exact same concept drives this incarnation, with the addition of a new twist. McGinness will deconstruct the corporate sponsors' logos and use these parts as the compositional ingredients in a series of three paintings and two print editions.

    Ryan McGinness is an American artist, living and working in New York, New York. He grew up in the surf and skate culture of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and then studied at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as an Andrew Carnegie Scholar. During college, he interned at the Andy Warhol Museum as a curatorial assistant. Known for his original extensive vocabulary of graphic drawings that use the visual language of public signage, corporate logos, and contemporary iconography, McGinness creates paint- ings, sculptures, and environments. Concerned with the perceived value of forms, McGinness is interest- ed in assuming the power of this anonymous aesthetic in order to share personal expressions. His work is in the permanent public collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Virginia Museum of Fine arts, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Cincinnati Art Museum, MUSAC in Spain, and the Misumi Collection in Japan.