• Cleon Peterson 'White Flag'

    May 07, 2011 1 min read

    Cleon Peterson
    'White Flag'

    Opening Reception: Thursday, May 19th from 6 - 9pm.


    Joshua Liner Gallery
    548 W 28th St. 3rd Floor New York, New York 10001

    This will be Peterson's first solo exhibition with Joshua Liner Gallery. 'White Flag' (Gallery I) will consist of 14 new paintings on panel. Rendered in acrylic on paper mounted on board, these 14 medium- to large-size works take violence as their symbolic subject. Peterson explores the tension between the conscious ego and repressed "shadow," the unconscious area of the psyche where rejected and banished self-knowledge gains intensity and is personified.

    Please contact the gallery for additional information or to be placed on the preview list for this exhibit.