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  • Edith Adi Argentinian & Aboles Embalados. by Found Art-Found Art-Poster Child Prints
  • JR in China

    November 06, 2010 2 min read



    The Wrinkles of the City / Les sillons de la ville / Los Surcos de a Ciudad /城市肌理, is a world scale project. For this project, JR starts by doing portraits of elderly people who represent the memory of the city he picks for its interesting past. Conjunctly JR interviews each person as they are the witnesses of all the changes the city went through. Then these portraits, printed in monumental sizes, are pasted in the very same city in various places that inspire JR and also represent the city heritage. For memory can stumble and fall, disappear any minute as the elder leave us, JR shows us that it is important not to forget what the elder have to pass to the young ones. Without judging, JR just gives us bits of History pages in an artistic, yet poetic, social and above all human way.JR takes his Wrinkles of the City project to Shanghai where the last century has been full of ups and downs : from the Japanese occupation, the establishment of the Communist Party, The Liberation, World War II, the end of the foreign concessions, the victory of Mao Zedong over the General Tchang Kaï-Chek’s troops, the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward to the actual development of the city ...

    *Most works in the streets of Shanghai have been done without authorization.



    Magda Danysz 18Gallery Shanghai - Bund18, 18 Zhongshan East Road (E1), 4F, Shanghai (

    Shanghai Art Museum, Biennale of Contempory Art, Shanghai


    WOMEN ARE HEROES, The Film, Cinema Release in France : 12 January 2011

    TEDprize conference, Los Angeles, USA, 2nd March 2011

    MOCA, Los Angeles, USA, 8 April 2011

    La Villette, Paris, France, May 2011

    More photos : http://JR-ART.NET

    *Most works in the streets of Shanghai have been done without authorization.

    Magda Danysz 18Gallery Shanghai - Bund18, 18 Zhongshan East Road (E1), 4F, Shanghai (
    Shanghai Art Museum, Biennale of Contempory Art, Shanghai

    WOMEN ARE HEROES, The Film, Cinema Release in France : 12 January 2011
    TEDprize conference, Los Angeles, USA, 2nd March 2011
    MOCA, Los Angeles, USA, 8 April 2011
    La Villette, Paris, France, May 2011
    More photos : http://JR-ART.NET