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  • Edith Adi Argentinian & Aboles Embalados. by Found Art-Found Art-Poster Child Prints
  • Conor Harrington Wall in Venice Beach

    June 07, 2010 1 min read

    Some pictures of the Wall that CONOR HARRINGTON blessed Venice Beach with this weekend. Wall can be found on Abbot Kinney & Santa Clara in Venice Beach. Wall coincides with the EUROTRASH opening this week! MORE photos here.

    IMG_7903 800 EuroTrash Teaser Photo © Ian Cox 2010

    IMG_7919 800 EuroTrash Teaser Photo © Ian Cox 2010IMG_7925 800 EuroTrash Teaser Photo © Ian Cox 2010IMG_7782 800 EuroTrash Teaser Photo © Ian Cox 2010IMG_7872 800 EuroTrash Teaser Photo © Ian Cox 2010IMG_7806 800 EuroTrash Teaser Photo © Ian Cox 2010IMG_7747 800 EuroTrash Teaser Photo © Ian Cox 2010

    Thank you to Ian Cox of WallKandy for the Pictures.