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  • Jim Houser, Solo Show/Los Angeles July 10th

    July 07, 2010 2 min read

    PCP artist Jim Houser is in town this week for his first Los Angeles solo show in years. The show is called The Homebody and will open this Saturday July 10th at Shepard Fairey's Subliminal Projects. We're looking forward to seeing Jim's new body of work! Keep an eye out for Jim's new print release on PCP in the next couple weeks.



    Known for his hand-lettered abstract poetry and quilt-like grids, Houser explores the act of transforming lifeless panels and objects into vehicles for expression. His “canvases” have included skateboards, guitars, flowerpots and basketballs. Each of his pieces seems to capture the catharsis he finds in the art-making process, displaying both his exhalations of angst and uptake of joy. Though light in color and line, Houser’s images are swathed with heaviness, the toll of chronic emotional and physical pain, as the artist explores two sides of blame: guilt and anger. Yet amid that suffering Houser also explores the impact of love, channeling his feelings surrounding the recent birth of his son, Seamus. The emotional tension, coupled with the stylistic consistency, gives the body of work an undulating rhythmic quality, cycling through despondence, escapism, hope and bliss.

    On display, Houser’s aesthetic vernacular consumes the entire gallery space, with installations and murals throughout. In recent years, he has taken to integrating music into the experience, often with an original score he composes to complement his visual pieces. The Homebody marks the first time Houser will be releasing his soundtrack as a recording, with a limited-edition vinyl record available for purchase.

    The Homebody
    New Works by Jim Houser
    July 10 – August 7, 2010
    Opening Reception: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 8 p.m. – 11 p.m.

    Subliminal Projects/1331 W. Sunset. LA CA 90026