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  • Turntable Set of 4 by Tim Armstrong-Signed & Numbered-Poster Child Prints
  • Found Collection
  • A curated selection of authentic vintage art and objects.


  • Abstract 37 by Found Art-Found Art-Poster Child Prints
  • More about Amanda Visell's show this Friday night...

    April 07, 2010 1 min read

    From Amanda...

    Primeval Love is my first self-invested and self-produced art show. Without official gallery representation in Los Angeles, I believe that I’m in a great position to push this art movement forward towards a more independent artist-driven community.

    I created Primeval Love when I started thinking about being a tiny spec in the history of the world, how humans have barely been here, and that the destruction of one civilization is birth for another. This show is one of the possible paths life may have taken on Earth and traces of it can be found in our lives today. This world is void of oppression by men and the female characters are the stewards of natural order.

    I have been hands-on in every aspect of this exhibition; there is no middleman translating my art to make it more palatable buyers. I built my career by being accessible to my collectors; and I know that it is 100% because of them that I can spend my days and nights making art.

    I chose the Natural History Museum for this exhibition because, while it is a museum of actual creatures that lived on the same spot we are now, it’s easy to become awestruck and think of their world as mythical and something from dreams.





    The show will be held on the main floor of the Natural History Museum. Admission is free and the show will have 35 pieces of art including a large-scale installation. The Petrojvic Blasting Company will be playing too!

    Friday April 9th, 2010 (7pm-11pm)

    Natural History Museum

    900 Exposition Blvd, LA CA 90007